Our Partnerships

WESG benefits enormously from having been able to establish close working relationships with a range of key partners in Westminster and across London as well as at the National level.


Westminster Borough

Critical to the focus of our work in Westminster has been our partnership with Westminster City Council and the Metropolitan Police (Central West BCU and Protective Security Operations).  We work collaboratively to develop and deliver initiatives to increase and improve the role played by business in enhancing the resilience of the West End. Our activity is further strengthened as a result of a formal association with the Safer Business Network and a joint commitment to partnership working can be found here.


At the London Level we benefit from our link with London Resilience.


We are formally involved with the Step Change Programme, to foster more productive relationships between the police, government and business and the WESG Chair and Strategic Advisor is the co-chair of the national board. We also have a formal association with Resilience First, jointly working to improve urban resilience for business communities.